Jeremy Holcomb

Senior Account Manager

Jeremy Holcomb joined Booyah as an Account Manager with a diverse background and skillset. After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin, Jeremy worked in software development in Houston, on HIV and gender projects with the Peace Corps in Botswana, and with a university health system in Salt Lake City before falling in love with the company culture at Booyah and the city of Denver. In his role, Jeremy takes joy in analyzing data and using it to tell a story – whether it’s uncovering new opportunities for new clients or reporting out on campaign results. A self-identified tinkerer, Jeremy also likes looking for and making performance tweaks on campaigns, ultimately watching them work and drive performance.

When he’s not managing media for his clients, Jeremy’s either nurturing his codependent relationship with his dog Jude, playing rugby, or crafting new recipes in the kitchen. Since being bitten by the travel bug, he tries to visit a new country every year.

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